
The Game Today.

The 'varsity nine will play the University of Vermont on Holmes Field today at four o'clock. The University of Vermont has beaten John Morrill's team three games out of four this spring. So strong a nine as this will be sure to contest the game this afternoon closely. The batting order is as follows: Kinsella, s. s.; L. Allen, 1b.; O'Connor, l. f.; Banney, r.f.; Stewart, c.; Hill, 2b.; J. Allen, 3b.; Hogle, c.f.; Abbey, p.; Pond, substitute. Abbey is said to be a phenomenal pitcher, and he will afford our men a fine opportunity to show what batting ability is in them. Cook may possibly be put back at third base for our team, but it is doubtful if his ankle will yet permit him to play. If it does not, Corning may be retained, or Dickinson may be tried.

A game has been arranged with John Morrill's team for Thursday.
