

No Headline

The letter published in another column from the Yale Base Ball Association is self explanatory. It contains nothing new, but is simply a reassertion of the things laid down in the first letter. It is unfortunate that the challenge of Harvard was not received in the same sportsmanlike spirit in which it was sent. Harvard offered an easy solution for an unfortunate difficulty which had arisen, and we must feel that the burden of responsibility for the present strained condition is shifted from our shoulders by this reply which has now come from Yale. The position of Harvard remains the same. We regret sincerely that this unfortunate misunderstanding should ever have come about. We are unable, however, to tolerate the slightest interference with our athletic affairs. We must insist upon managing them on whatever basis we find satisfactory, and it is certain that games with Princeton will never be arranged at the dictation of Yale.

It would seem from this letter that all hope of games with Yale this year were at an end. We are not in a position to say anything more definite on this subject than that the final settlement of the matter of games is in the hands of the Graduate Advisory Committee on base ball. Whatever is done by this committee the college is confident will be well done.
