
The Harvard Overseers Vote Against the Three Years Course.

It was announced in last evening's papers that the Harvard Overseers, at their meeting yesterday morning, voted against the faculty's proposal for shortening the academic course. The final action was taken upon the matter, as a report made by the special committee "on changes in the academic department and in its relations to the professional schools."

The two proposals of the faculty were as follows:

1. That the requirements for the degree of A. B. be expressed, under suitable regulations with regard to length of residence and distribution of work, in terms of course of study satisfactorily accomplished.

2. That the number of courses required for the degree be 16.

Five votes were recommended by the committee of the overseers, the gist of which is contained in the first of them which is as follows: "That the board of overseers does not concur with the corporation in its approval of the first and second proposals of the college faculty." The vote was adopted, 20 to 1.

