

We invite all members of the University to contribute to this column, but we are not responsible for the sentiments expressed.

To the Editors of the Daily Crimson:

Every Harvard man is interested in the welfare of "Old John," the orangeman. "Old John" has become one of the institutions of the college, and he should be cherished as such. John's friends have, for the past few months, been greatly alarmed at the number of times he has been seen under the influence of liquor. They have noticed that he has been far less vigorous and in much poorer health than he has been for years. Being anxious that he shall continue to grace the college with his genial presence for many years to come, it has become necessary to take this step of urgently appealing to all the students not to give John any liquor whatsoever. This seems a strange appeal to make to the students, but it is from them that John receives nearly all the liquor he gets. John has a family and each time he comes home home drunk he throws the whole household into a state of misery and wretchedness. If, then, there are men who do not share the universal regard and love for John himself, and so are not concerned for his welfare, let them at least help in the good purpose of keeping John sober and straight by refraining from giving him liquor, for the sake of a family that is dependent upon him.

