

'92 CLASS NINE.- The following men must be examined by Dr. Sargent between 2 and 3 o'clock: Hollis, Allen, Brown, Hunt, Chase, Lake, Wrenn, Curtis, Spalding, Hale, Young, Lockett, and Codman. Norton's Field at 4 sharp.

ADVOCATE.- Meeting Wednesday, 9.30 p. m., No. 16 Holworthy.

JOHN CORBIN, Sec.FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Important rehearsal in Lawrence Scientific School at 7 o'clock.

ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- The eighth meeting of the Bible Class will be held on Wednesday evening, April 22, at seven o'clock. All members of the University are cordially invited.

T. A. JAGGAR, Sec.'91 NINE.- All men must be on Norton's at 4 o'clock sharp.


FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal at 7 p. m. today at 754 Cambridge Street.

E. P. MERWIN, JR.IN French 2, a resume of Cinna is due Monday, April 27.

R. SANDERSON.ELECTRIC CLUB NOTICE.- The club will be photographed Thursday, April 23, sharp at 1, at the north side of library. The club will leave Cambridge to visit the Thomson-Houston works in Lynn at 1.30 the same afternoon.

G. S. CURTIS, Sec.GEOLOGY 4, 8 AND 14.- Professor Shaler will meet his classes in these courses on Wednesday, April 22,

HARVARE BICYCLE CLUB.- There will be a business meeting and "smoker" Thursday evening, April 23, at 8, in the Union Club rooms.

