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There are several instructors in college who see fit always to carry their recitations a few minutes beyond the hour. The result is that students, especially if there be a considerable distance between the recitation rooms, are frequently late and are locked out of their next recitations. Of late this circumstance has occurred so often as to cause very serious annoyance on all sides. Those instructors who allow free entrance to the room and whose recitations are thus interrupted by the late-comers are very much put out; while those students who are locked out of recitations have an extra "cut" scored against them. The result is that the office is besieged with men seeking justly to be excused for such absences. We hope that those instructors who thoughtlessly cause all this trouble will see fit to have a little more regard for the good record of the students, and for the comfort of their fellow instructors and of the long suffering officials in University 5.
