
Last Performance of the Hasty Pudding.

Last night at the club house the Hasty Pudding gave its last performance of the year. On the whole the theatricals this year have been better than those of any previous year. This has been due largely to the careful training. The choruses and principals began to rehearse immediately after the Mid-years, and have kept at work ever since. They were trained by Mr. Blair of the Ship Ahoy Company. The first performance was given on Graduate night, Monday, March 30, in the club house. It proved to be very successful The next three performances were at New York during the recess; here, at the Manhattan Athletic Club Theatre, the company played to crowded houses on the evening of Friday, April 3, and on the afternoon and evening of Saturday. After a two week's rest the club gave, last Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Union Hall, Boston, three very successful performances. The last two were at the club house Monday and last night, as has been stated. The number of performances was thus nine in all.

The music of the play has been far ahead of any effort of previous years, and in the graduation of R. W. Atkinson, who composed a large part of it, the club will lose a very valuable member. Among the clever actors whom the club will also lose are J. Wendell, Jr., A. B. Nichols, and J. A. Parker. The first two especially have distinguished themselves as among the best actors that the Hasty Pudding has ever had.
