'93 NINE.- All candidates for the '93 nine must be on Norton's today at 3.30 sharp.
IN French 2, a resume of Cinna is due Monday, April 27.
R. SANDERSON.THERE will be no recitation today in Fine Arts 3 or Italian 8.
C. E. NORTON.FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal at 1.30 in Lawrence Scientific School.
THE last public performance of the Hasty Pudding Club will be given at the Club House tonight. Tickets at Thurston's and Amee's.
ELECTRIC CLUB NOTICE.- The club will be photographed Thursday, April 23, sharp at 1, at the north side of library. The club will leave Cambridge to visit the Thomson-Houston works in Lynn at 1.30 the same afternoon.
G. S. CURTIS, Sec.
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