The plans for the opening of the new Chicago University are being rapidly formulated. The supporters and executive committee have schemes in view by which they believe that the new institution of learning will have more the character of a true university than any other institution in this country. One of the features of the new university will be the introduction of the system where by instruction will be continued all the year. The faculty hope, in this way to afford instruction during the summer months to many who could not avaid themselves of the privileges at any other time of the year; and also to give those men who wish an opportunity, during the whole year, for study and research, and also to allow them to count such work toward their degrees. The adresses of the plan are plain.
Chicago University, however, will hardly be unique in affording instruction for the whole twelve-month. For some years Harvard has carried out the same plan, giving instruction during the long summer recess through the means of the Summer School. Here at Cambridge the Summer School has accomplished a great good and has met with proportionate success. Its steady growth for the future seems assured. A radical difference between Harvard's and the Chicago University's methods of summer instruction lies in the fact that the new university will allow all such instruction to count for a degree exactly as at any other time of the year; while Harvard makes no such allowance. From the present outlook, however, it seems only a question of time before Harvard changes the regulations so as to allow summer instruction to count for a degree. There certainly seems every reason in the world why the present rule should no longer endure.
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