
Hasty Pudding Play.

Tonight at the Club House on Holyoke Street the Hasty Pudding Club will give the first of its Cambridge performances. The play this year has met with unprecedented success in both New York and Boston, and the performances at the Club House, where the facilities for staging the play are far better than in Boston, should be better than any which the club has yet given. The Cambridge performances are given especially for the benefit of all undergraduates.

Tonight the curtain-raiser will be "Two Old Grads," a clever college sketch written by R. H. Post '91. It will be followed by the main piece of the evening, the "Obispah," the music of which has been composed by R. W. Atkinson '91, and L. S. Thompson '92, and the libretto written by B. A. Gould '91. Tomorrow evening Act II, Scene 2, from Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" will be put on as a curtain lifter in place of "Two Old Grads."

Tickets for both tonight's and Tuesday's performances are on sale at Thurston's.
