CRICKET TEAM.- Candidates will meet on Holmes field at 2 p. m. today for a practice game.
A. C. GARRETT, Capt.HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal at 1.30 in Roberts Hall.
'94 NINE.- The following men will be out Nortons at 3.15 today: Beals, H. Cabot, Minton, Linfield, Homans, P. Cabot, Quigley, Cutler, Clark, Harding, Hoag, E. Clark.
J. B. LOWELL, Temp. Capt.LOST.- A book containing notes on Phil. 4. The finder will confer a favor by returning to T. Everett, 41 Mathews.
TICKETS for the Hasty Pudding The atricals at the Club House, Cambridge, on April 20 and 21, for sale at Thurston's and Amee's.
LOST.- About March 10, a copy of Proud's History of Pennsylvania belonging to the College Library. Finder will please leave at the delivery desk of the library. 54-3t.
'91 NINE.- The following men will be at the gymnasium at 3 sharp. Guerin, Cummings, Babbit, Parker, Nichols, McKean, Harris, Weld, Luce, Corning, Simons, Austrian, Burr and Harris.
THERE will be no recitation today in Fine Arts 3 or Italian 8.
C. E. NORTON.'92 NINE.- The following men will be on the Manual Training School grounds at 2.30 sharp. Lake, Hunt, Wrenn, Curtis, Chase, Lockett, Spalding, Hale, Allen, Young, Hollis, Brown, Codman, DeWolf, Walcott.
CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.- A devotional meeting of the society will be held on Sunday evening at 6.30 p. m.
All members of the University are most cordially invited to attend.
A. L. SHAPLEIGH, Sec.CANDIDATES for the '93 class nine must be on Nortons today at 2.30 Sharp.
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