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The cricket team this year begins the season with unusually bright prospects for success. Although several players of the eleven last year have gone, there still remains a majority of experienced players who will form an admirable nucleus for a new team. They are under the charge of an energetic and competent captain; and moreover are to have the help of a good coach. The earnest way in which the men have started in work is another encouraging sign. The most noteworthy and promising fact, however, is the steady growth of the game in popular college favor. Ever since the first game was played here the increase in interest has been steady, and now the game is far more firmly established than its beginners at Harvard dared hope.

Under all these favorable circumstances Harvard should win the championship this spring, especially since she will have the advantages of playing all her most important games on the home grounds. The only serious drawback which the captain and management have to struggle against is a lack of new candidates just at this time. To be sure, the men have only just begun out-door work,-but more new men should present themselves. Unless they turn out in larger numbers immediately, the cricket team will be unable, even under the most advantageous circumstances, to win.
