
Fact and Rumor.

Marks are out in Math. E.

Corbett is catching for the Freshman nine.

W. H. Maynard '93, is ill at the Cambridge Hospital.

C. T. Wing '93 has gone home on account of ill health.

Several nines are being organized in view of the approaching scrub contest.


Some fifteen candidates for the '93 nine will be examined before the game Monday.

Capt. Brewster, of the Yale crew, has returned to crew work after a long absence.

The editors of the Lampoon propose to issue eight numbers in the next eight weeks.

The chapel choir will probably sing an anthem tomorrow night, written by Atherton '93.

Wood '91 has got up a nine to play the 'varsity on Jarvis Field a week from Monday.

The seniors gained an easy victory over the Browne and Nichols nine yesterday afternoon.

The game that was scheduled for today between Harvard and Worcester has been postponed.

Winslow '91, while running Thursday afternoon was seriously spiked in the foot by another runner.

The Annex Glee Glub will give a concert next Tuesday evening.

The last Kneisel quartette concert in Brattle Hall will be given Thursday.

Yale has been taxed this year for the first time. The value of the property assessed is $42,140.

Watson Taylor, formerly coach of the Harvard crew, coached the Yale crew last week.

The candidates for the second tennis league are playing trial matches to decide on the make-up of the league.

In the match for the seventh place in the first tennis league, Orcutt won from Brooks, beating him two sets to one.

Brown sent up a very sinister nine yesterday. They had a left-handed pitcher, and five out of the nine men batted left-handed.

At a meeting of the Institute of 1770 held night before last, P. V. K. Johnson was elected treasurer in place of S. Chew, resigned.

At the Seventh Regiment games in New York this month one of the features was a half mile run in full marching uniform. The winner was A. B. George, the long distance runner.

Professor Dunbar has had some chapters on the Theory and History of Banking published. The chapters were printed some time ago for the use of students in Professor Dunbar's courses.
