In the past year distinct efforts have been made by the friends of Harvard to raise the good reputation of the University and to make its true life better known to outsiders. Perhaps the most praiseworthy and successful of these efforts has been the distribution of the pamphlets called "Harvard's Better Self." Over ten thousand copies have been sent to Harvard men, clergymen and principals of schools in every State; and the good results have been widespread. These results are owing almost entirely to the work of the Christian Association which has labored with generous zeal for this purpose of doing good for our college. Students and student organizations can do this work more thoroughly than any one else, and we look to see still further efforts from them to raise Harvard's good reputation.
On the same line with the above work was the distribution last summer of the pamphlet showing the opportunities provided here for religious worship, instruction and fellowship. This pamphlet was sent not only to parents and guardians of students, but to many persons who would be unlikely to know the real feeling of the University. Almost on this same line of work is the present distribution of a pamphlet by Secretary Bolles, stating briefly what Harvard University is, giving an outline of almost every branch of University and student work.
Such efforts as these we have spoken of, directed with such wise precision, are doing much to change for the better popular estimation of our college. Great institutions like Harvard must always expect to be misrepresented; but we can do an infinite amount of counteracting good for our college by showing to those who have so misjudged us the truth.
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