The preliminary bouts in wrestling for the first winter meeting of the H. A. A. were held yesterday afternoon in the gymnasium. The light-weight class was the only one in which more than two had entered, and the first bout in this class was between S. Paine, L. S., and M. H. Guerin '93. Three points were to count a fall, and three rounds of five minutes each were to be wrestled.
In the first round between Paine and Guerin there was considerable sparring for a hold. Guerin obtained one by a quick move, but failed to throw Paine. After a little more sparring for a hold, time was called without a fall.
The next round was between J. L. Dodge '91, and H. S. Flint '93. All through the round the work was very exciting. Dodge nearly threw Flint at one time, but by a sudden turn Flint got the best hold and then worked very hard to throw his man. Time was called without a fall.
The second round between Paine and Gaerin was very close. Guerin avoided a fall very cleverly a number of times, but again time was called and no fall
The next round between Dodge and Flint was exceedingly pretty, but time was called without a fall.
There was a great deal of sparring in the third round between Paine and Guerin, and much of the time was spent in looking about for a hold. There was no fall in this round either.
Dodge won a fall very quickly in his third round, and in a moment more, won a second, getting the bout.
Paine and Guerin wrested another round of five minutes, and, as they got no fall, a fifth round was necessary. This round was to go until a fall was obtained, and that fall should win the round and bout. Paine rushed his man in this round, and in three minutes won a very pretty fall, winning the bout. These were the only bouts wrestled.
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