

HARVARD ROWING CLUB.- Office hours of Treasurer, 25 Hollis, Monday and Tuesday, March 16 and 17, and Thursday and Friday, March 19 and 20 between 1.30 and 2.30.

J. W. LUND, Treas.ANDOVER CLUB.- There will be an important meeting of the Andover Club in 18 Matthews, Friday evening at 8.30 o'clock. Every Andover man in college is urged to be present as important business will come before the meeting. td.

CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.- It is desired that all members who have not yet signed the constitution will do so on Thursday evening of this week as official records are to be made out at once.

A. L. SHAPLEIGH, Sec.HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- The dinner for the members of the Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs who went on the western trip will be held at Young's next Saturday night at 7 o'clock. 2t

LOST.- On last Thursday, a Wirt fountain pen, probably in the Botanical Laboratory or in the gymnasium. Please leave at the CRIMSON office. 33 2t


MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal at 8 tonight.
