

SOPHOMORE THEATRICALS.- Rehearsal of principals of principals at 5 and 8 o'clock.

Per order of COMMITTEE.HARVARD ROWING CLUB.- Office hours of Treasurer, 25 Hollis, Monday and Tuesday, March 16 and 17, and Thursday and Friday, March 19 and 20 between 1.30 and 2.30.

J. W. LUND, Treas.HASTY PUDDING CLUB.- Rehearsals at 4.30 and 7 o'clock today.

AMUSEMENT COM.LOST.- A note book with my name in. Please return to Leavitt and Peirce's.

H. HATHAWAY, JR.LOST.- A blue-book of French exercises. My name on outside. Please return to Leavitt and Peirce's.


W. C. NICHOLS.LOST.- Tuesday evening, between Matthews Hall and Thurston's, a furlined kid glove. Finder leave at Thurston's and receive reward.

LOST.- A fountain pen, Caw's Dashaway. Finder will please return it to the CRIMSON office, 3 Linden St.
