
Fact and Rumor.

Subjects for "argument" in English B are due Tuesday.

The morning Mott Haven squad exercises every day at 12.

Professor J. K. Paine is writing an opera with a libretto of his own.

It is said that there will be an hour examination in English 9 next Friday.

The class of '41 of Dartmouth hold their semi-centennial reunion at the coming commencement.


Professor Wilson of Princeton is writing a history of the United States from 1829 to the present day.

In all probability there will be two tennis leagues this spring,- the first composed of seven men and the second of ten.

A Rejected Manuscript Club has been organized at Williams College. It bids fair to be a source of perennial delight to editors.

The new board of editors of the Yale Record has chosen H. A. Bayne '92 chairman, and W. D. Young '92 financial editor.

The Princeton Gun Club, which has begun practice, and has already arranged matches with Lawrenceville, Manhattan and Rutgers.

Mr. W. E. B. DuBois, the orator at last year's Commencement lately addressed the Colored National League of New York on "Does Education Pay?"

The new Yale dormitory, 175 feet long, costing $85,000 will soon be erected on the College Street side of the Yale Campus.

The Princetonian denies the report which has been recently extensively circulated to the effect that a Princeton Law School is to be established in New York City.

In English A an analysis of the chapter on arrangement of words in Hill's Rhetoric is due on Tuesday. There will be an hour examination eight days before the spring recess.

The Yale nine have cancelled their games in Baltimore and Washington. In spite of this the league teams will hold the college nine bound to their contract, and if they refuse to play the Yale team will be sued for damages.

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