
The Harvard International Law Club.

An International Law Club has been organized very recently here at Harvard, by some of the students of History XV. It was started with a view towards enabling its members to a more thorough study of international law, than is offered by the course itself.

A limit has been placed on the number of members which shall belong to the club, and so far two meetings have been held. It is proposed to hold meetings every two weeks in the members' rooms, at which some given subject shall be discussed. The subject is to be prepared thoroughly by two of the members, who will present it to the club at its meetings, and after this a general discussion will be held.

The club is somewhat like the Historical Club, looking at history from a different standpoint, merely. Is not to be a temporary thing at all, but feels that it has a definite place in the college work.

At its first meeting the following officers were elected. President, W. A. Hamilton, '92; vice-president, R. L. O'Brien, '91; clerk and treasurer, A. E. Healey, '91. Executive committee, the foregoing officers and J. H. Barnes, '91.
