
Inter-Scholastic Athletic Association Enlarged.

The annual meeting of the Inter-Scholastic Athletic Association was held last Saturday at the club house of the B. A. A. The following schools were admitted to the association: English High, Milton High, Worcester High, Manchester High, B. M. Durfee high of Fall River, and the Dalzell of Worcester.

The officers for the following year were chosen as follows: President, Geo. Crompton, Worcester Academy; vice-president, W. J. Batchelder, Roxbury Latin; secretary, Charles Brewer, Hopkinson's; treasurer, R. Codman, Jr., Hale's.

The executive committee was chosen as follows: Undergraduate members, J. E. Raycroft, Worcester Academy, and W. J. Batchelder, Roxbury Latin; graduate members, Geo. Lee, Hopkinson's, and F. C. Green, Hale's.
