
Acceptance from Columbia.

Possibility of a Three-cornered Freshman Race.

Although no formal letter of acceptance has been received, it is understood that the Columbia freshmen have accepted Harvard's challenge for a two-mile straightaway race to be rowed some time in June. The challenge was sent to Columbia some time ago, but they have delayed taking formal action on the matter. Last week Captain Metcalfe, of the Columbia 'varsity, wrote Captain Perkins that the 'varsity managers had strongly recommended the freshmen to accept the challenge. Saturday, dispatches from Columbia in the morning papers announced that Columbia '94 had accepted the challenge. No further arrangements can be made until Harvard receives the formal letter of acceptance. Her challenge did not state where or when the race was to be rowed.

Columbia's acceptance of the challenge makes a three-cornered race the only way by which the Yale and Harvard freshmen can meet. Captain Perkins has told Captain Brewster of Yale that the Harvard freshmen are willing to row a three-cornered race, provided Columbia will agree.


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