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Today the DAILY CRIMSON begins its new volume, and the Ninety-one board leaves the paper in the hands of Ninety-two. The fall just passed has been one of unusual activity; the questions of the hour have been important, and many of them are yet unsolved.

The Eleven occupied our minds during the early part of the term, and we had occasion to note a favorable result for the final game. We did our part to further the interests of the proposed Library addition, and shall continue to keep this matter before the public until the addition is built. The matter is left by Ninety-one with an assurance of final success.

We have been pleased with the adverse report of the Overseers on the three years question, and have shown that the present system is best, whereby those who so desire, may finish if they are able in a shorter time than the average. We have thanked Major Higginson for the Soldiers' Field. The facilities for obtaining board in Cambridge have been shown to be too limited, and the proposed hotel system of carrying on Memorial has not been approved.

Our discussion with the Princetonian. relative to a foot ball game, while unsuccessful in itself, had, we hope, the effect of clearing away whatever discord may have existed between the students of the two universities. We have confessed our inability to discover any sufficient reason for the rejection of Mr. Bancroft as a coach for the University crew. The senior class has not yet decided the "cap and gown" question, and whether the boat race shall be at New London this year has not been determined yet. The solution of these, and of other equally interesting questions will be noted by our successors. We have endeavored to aid the efforts of the Athletic Committee and of the College instructors whenever we were able to do so, and our policy has been to publish those articles which would interest Harvard primarily.

The fall term has been successful we hope that the present volume may chronicle as successful a spring term.

