The 'varsity crew are now rowing regularly in the tank.
The average weight of the Oxford crew this year is 165 3-4.
The Freshmen at Yale from St. Paul's School show the best physical development.
The first official bulletin of the University of Chicago has just been issued by the secretary.
The class of '91 at Exeter will publish a memorial "Pean" containing records etc. of the Academy since '88.
The Andover and Exeter Clubs of Yale will hold their annual dinner jointly on Wednesday, February 25.
Among the candidates for the Yale Freshman nine are A. A. Brown, Case (captain), Eaton, Lamprey, Lineaweaver, McMillan, and Bliss, all Andover men.
Amherst college has just issued a circular letter with an enclosed blank, to every student, asking for a full account of all expenditures, including amusements, traveling, etc., for a year.
A lecture course is to be given at Worcester Academy, including as speakers President Dwight, of Yale, President Eliot, of Harvard, President Andrews, of Brown, President Gates, of Amherst.
Professor Wilson of Princeton, is writing a history of the United States, covering the period from 1829 until the present time. The book will be one of a series of three, on "Epochs of American History," published by Longman, Green and Co.
An expedition to be known as the Bowdoin College Scientific Expedition will start from Rockland, Me., on July 4th, to make researches and explorations along the coast of Labrador, and to make additions to the college collection.
The University of Pennsylvania A. A. has won the cup at the indoor meeting in Philadelphia, with 25 points. The other scores were A. C. of Schuylkill Navy, 24; M. A. C., 11; Phil. Y. M. C. A., 5; Haverford College, 3; and New Jersey A. C., 1.
An addition of $100,000 has been made to the general college fund at Amherst, the only condition attached being that $100,000 additional shall be raised. The donor wishes this name to be withheld, and the fund will be named in honor of ex-president Seelye. Amherst also receives, by the will of Mr. Newton of Worcester, $50,000 for the endowment of a chair of Greek.
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