
Exeter's Representation.

According to the Exonian, out of the ninety-six men in the present senior class at Exeter ninety-two will enter college next fall. The summary of the class is as follows:

Harvard, 40 Williams, 2

Yale, 22 Dartmouth 1

M. I. T., 12 U. of P., 1

Undecided, 5 Johns Hopkins, 1


Nowhere, 4 R. P. I., 1

Princeton, 2 Cornell, 1

Columbia, 2 U. of M., 1

U. of V., 1.

Of the three seniors on the foot ball team all, James, Thomas and Phelan, go to Harvard, two of them to the Medical School. Of the six seniors on the Exonian board, Kimball, McKee, Cook, Jones, go to Yale, Leventritt, to Columbia Law School and Minton to the University of Pennsylvania Law School. Of the seven seniors on the Literary Monthly board, three go to Harvard, three to Yale, and one to the University of Pennsylvania Law School.

The representation according to the above figures which will enter Harvard is 41 per cent., while Yale gets 23 per cent. This shows a loss of 9 per cent. for Harvard and a gain of 5 per cent for Yale over the figures of last year. In numbers Harvard has gained one-third, while the Yale contingency has just doubled.

The summary of the middle class also seems to indicate that Exeter is becoming almost as much a fitting school for Yale as for Harvard. These figures, however, can by no means be deemed final, as many men change in their last year:

Harvard, 27 Williams, 4

Yale, 20 Princeton, 3

Nowhere, 14 Cornell, 3

Undecided, 13 W. P. I., 1

M. I. T., 9 U. of M., 1

According to this it will be seen that the Exeter representation at Harvard will be 28 per cent. while at Yale it will be 21 per cent., a loss of 13 per cent. for Harvard and of 2 percent for Yale.
