
Bequest to U. of P.

By the recent death of Charles Lennig, the millionaire chemist of Philadelphia, the University of Pennsylvania is a residuary legatee to the sum of $700,000. Of this amount $500,000 is to go to the Towne Scientific School for the purchase of implements or the erection of buildings or both, and, $200,000 is to be used to pay free scholarships in the university in any branch except theology, and besides, to furnish needy students with such money as they shall need to pursue their studies in the institution.

The amount given to each student is not to exceed $350 per annum, and for a time not to exceed five years. The student on his part agrees to refund this money if he may ever become able, and is to forfeit his scholarship if he indulges in tobacco or becomes intoxicated. The scholars thus assisted are to be selected without regard to faith or nationality. Such a bequest to a single institution has rarely been equaled.
