
Appointments of Yale Editors.

The following list gives the standing at Yale of the editors of the college papers, as shown by the appointments held by them. A list of the appointments held by the athletic men was published a short time ago and a comparison of the two is interesting. Sixty-eight per cent. of the editors have received appointments and sixty four per cent. of the athletes, thus showing that the athletes push their literary brethren very close:

The Literary Magazine,- From '91: number of editors 5; philosophical orations 3, oration 1, no appointment 1.

The Record.- From '91: number of men 6; philosophical oration 1, high oration 1, oration 1, first colloquy 1, no appointment 2. From '92: number of men 6; philosophical oration 1, first colloquy 1, no appointment 4.

The Courant.- From '91: number of men 5; high oration 1, oration 1, first colloquy 1, second dispute 1, no appointment 1. From '92: number of men 2; dissertation 1, first dispute 1.

The News.- From '91: number of men 6; first dispute 1, first colloquy 3, no appointment 2. From '92: number of men 4, high oration 1, first dispute 1, second colloquy 1, no appointment 1.


From this list it is found that from the present senior and junior classes there are thirty-four men serving as editors on the different college papers. Of these, four received philosophical orations, three high orations, three orations, one dissertation, three first disputes, one second dispute, seven first colloquy, one second colloquy and eleven no appointment.
