We call particular attention to the new rule of the Committee on the Regulation of Athletic Sports which will hereafter debar from all public athletic contests those men who neglect to be examined by the director of the gymnasium. There has been no stated punishment attending the breaking of this rule heretofore. Men went through the prescribed process because they knew the rule, and because of a "wholesome uncertainty" as to what would happen if they overlooked the rule. It is now a serious thing and must be strictly obeyed.
One clause of the rule reads, "in public athletic contests, whether confined to students of the University or not." This is evidently pointed at those members of other athletic associations who are in college. It means that such men, while they are students, must be passed by the director of the Heminway Gymnasium before they can represent their other association in a public contest. It is a rule which we shall not attempt to criticize; but we suspect that, if our interpretation is correct, it will bring about many perplexing cases. Every student ought to know these rules; if they are just, then obey them without further words; if they are unjust, a general protest will be very effective.
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