
Freshman Crew.

At present the freshmen are working hard on the bare rudiments of the stroke and going through the usual routine of freshman crews. For the last few weeks they have been rowing as given below. The men are given in order with their principal faults.

Stroke, Cabot 135 pounds. His main fault is swinging back too far and slowness in getting body forward.

7, Johnson 156 pounds, doesn't get enough body reach and goes too far back.

6, Glidden 167. Rows pretty well. Apt to draw his arms in too fast and is slow in starting his body forward.

5, Thompson 156 pounds. Finishes badly, being unsteady and uncertain of himself.


4, Bond 164. Over-reaches and falls down at end of recover.

3, Breckenridge 150. Unsteady and falls down just before the catch.

2, Garland 153. Over-reaches though he does not slump. Unfirm finish.

Bow, Kellogg 141 pounds. Recovers too fast and has not enough control of his body. Does not get his shoulders on well at the catch.

None of these men except Bond played football. Some of the football men may very likely get on the first crew pretty soon. The men as they are now rowing average 152 pounds.

The second crew is rowing as follows:

Wrenn Stroke, 156

Waters, 7 168

Fay, 6 170

Loring, 5 153
