
The Freshman Glee Club.

The freshman Glee Club is hard at work rehearsing three times a week under the leadership of H. F. Taylor. The present situation is rather disheartening, for the club has lost much valuable time owing to the lateness of its organization and to the necessity of suspending work during the mid-years; besides the majority of the men read with great difficulty, so that all new music has to be drilled into them little by little, which makes their progress unusually slow. In addition to these disadvantages, the club has suffered a great deal from the scarcity of first tenors, and is still very weak in that department. For these reasons the club is much less advanced than is usually the case with the Freshman Glee Club at this time of the year, and contrasts rather unfavorably with the '93 glee club, which was giving public concerts at this time last year.

Their present backwardness, however, is due almost entirely to the enforced delays; so that there is every reason to expect that with hard conscientious work the club will be fully up to the usual standard. Nothing but praise can be found for the work of their leader, Taylor, and the freshman class may congratulate itself on having its glee club in such excellent hands.

The following men are now singing with the Club: 1st tenors, Sharpe, Bacon, Case, Calhane, Stetson. 2nd tenors, Hubbell, Wheelwright, Kirwen, Kennedy, B. Wells, Eustis, Morgan. 1st basses, Magrath, Battelle, Barney, Beebee, Beals, Wrenn. 2nd basses, Bailey, H. A. Frothingham, Green, Oliver, Gleason, Bell, Cutler, Glidden. Of these, three men will probably be dropped soon, one from the second tenors, one from the first basses, and one from the second basses.

The only concert finally arranged for as yet will be given in Cambridge, March 18th, for the Cash Boys' Club. The club has also been invited to give concerts in Wellesley, Boston, Jamacia Plain, and Brookline, but the dates of these have not yet been fixed.
