Marks are out in History 1 and 10.
Ellsworth '93, is now rowing with his class crew.
Yale's new gymnasium costs, is said, $200,000.
Ives of the 'varsity crew is coaching the Yale freshmen.
At the beginning of the season 60 men were trying for the Andover nine.
The average weight of the candidates for the Yale freshman crew is 159 1-2 pounds.
The M. A. C. base ball team will play exhibition games with Yale, Harvard and Princeton this season.
Dartmouth has raised $850 out of $1,400 that will be required to pay the expenses of the nine this season.
The Association game of foot ball will be introduced at the indoor games of the 22d regiment in New York.
Paul Hunt '92, has left college and has accepted a position in the banking house of Woodward and Co., New York.
Nearly all the mile runners and some other men from Harvard will probably enter the scratch mile run at the M. I. T. on March 12.
There was an illustrated article in yesterday's Boston Globe on "The most popular man in Harvard"-Old John the Orangeman.
The fifteen men training for the Columbia 'varsity crew average 163 lbs. in weight, and 5 feet 11 1-2 inches in height.
A series of three games with the Boston league club was arranged for Wednesday, by Captain Dean, for the 'varsity.
Professor G. L. Kittredge will deliver the address at the 73rd anniversary of the Golden Branch Literary Society at Exeter.
The Faculty of the University of Pennsylvania has, by a vote of 19 to 2, favored the admission of women to that college.
At Princeton the prize in oratory was awarded to Alexander McGaffin '93, and the prize in the class of '76 memorial debate was awarded to Samuel Semple '91.
A movement is on foot at Yale to establish an infirmary or home for students near the college grounds. The proceeds of the Greek play, Autigone, will be given to this object.
Butterworth, the full-back of the Columbia A. C. eleven, of Washington and West and Fordyce, half back and full-back of last season's Pennington Seminary, will enter Yale this fall.
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