
Base Ball at Exeter.

A great impetus has been given to athletics at Exeter and every effort is being made to win the base ball from Andover. Captain Smith of the nine, has left school, so that the choice of the team has been placed in the hands of a committee of the Athletic Association. The school held a meeting last week, raised $260, and authorized the committee to engage a professional coach; the committee have hired "Connie" Mack, who played with the Buffalo team last year. According to the contract Mack is to receive $25 a week, together with living expenses not to exceed $10 per week. In return for this he is to coach the team for three and a half hours a day. The committee have given Mack entire control of the men trying, so that he will act as cap tain as well as coach, and have engaged him for three weeks; which time will just finish the winter term. The further propose to get a coach for a couple of weeks in the spring term. The Faculty have approved of the decision of the committee and Mack will at once enter upon his duties.
