

HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB.- There will be a shoot at the grounds Thursday, February 26, at 2 o'clock sharp, weather permitting, for the Founders Cup, and for all unfinished matches. Cars leave Harvard Square at 1.30 and 2.30.

T. EVERETT, Sec.LOST.- An over coat, Scotch Plaid. The finder will confer a favor by returning the same to 24 Holyoke House, Cambridge, Mass. 12-5t.

THERE will be an important meeting of the Exeter Club Friday, Feb. 27 at 7.30 p. m.

ARTHUR H. LOCKETT, Sec.THE lists of Class pictures and groups are now ready at Pach's studio. These lists will be sent immediately to all members of the senior class, in order that they may mark or otherwise indicate what pictures they want. These lists must be returned by March 15.


