

TO SENIORS.- Mr. Tupper wishes it clearly understood that unless men are photographed at once he will be unable to place their pictures in the class album or fill any orders as agreed. Also those who intend to have their rooms photographed should make appointments immediately, as better results are obtained while the sun is south. Per


'91 CLASS SONG.- All seniors who would like to write words for the class song are requested to communicate with the chorister, K. McKenzie. 2t.

FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 8 o'clock.

R. B. BEALS, Sec.MANDOLIN CLUB.- Meeting Monday at 1.30 in 10 Holworthy. Regular members only.


G. JONES, Sec.A meeting of the graduates of the Boston Latin School now in Cambridge will be held in Gray's 22 Thursday evening, Feb. 26, at 7.30.

H. P. MOSHER, for Com.
