
Vesper Service.

Yesterday evening in Appleton Chapel Dr. Peabody opened the Vesper Services with prayer. Rev. Dr. McKenzie followed with a short address on God's manner of fulfilling his promises. He said: When young men start out in life they know that perseverance and industry will bring them success, but this success may be far different from what they anticipated. There are many professors here today who entered college with no thought of teaching, but God saw fit to open up for them this life of usefulness and renown.

A successful life may be from a worldly point of view a failure. Success does not mean riches and renown; it means rather the fulfillment of God's purpose. This purpose may be at variance with ours, but the more we let it enter our lives, the more truly shall we achieve success.

In the course of his remarks Dr. McKenzie spoke feelingly of the late General Sherman.

During the evening the choir sang the following anthems: Thou Crownest the Year-Maker; O, Great Jehovah-Mozart; Handel's Largo. Soloist, Mr. D. M. Babcock, class of '77.
