For some time past we have been hearing the usual complaints of the poor financial support which the freshmen are giving their crew; and now a direct appeal from the management comes to us. He needs one thousand dollars more in subscriptions, and the class doesn't seem disposed to give it. The question appears to be a very simple one: Is the crew to go to New London or not? Unless the money is raised by a certain time, the athletic committee has said that the crew shall not go to New London. That decision seems to be clear enough to the average student, but is evident that the freshmen do not understand it. If they have sense, they will take in the situation now, once for all, and will show enough energy and generosity to give their crew a race with Columbia.
The present low status of the subscription list appears to be not the fault of the collectors, though they can doubtless do more. The fault is that the class has not given all that it can. Although at present such a contingency seems impossible, the freshmen need have no fear of giving more money than is wanted. If any should happen to be left over, it would be applied to the support in the coming years of the '94 class crew; not handed over to the graduate treasurer. But this view of the question is aside; the main thing is, that unless the freshmen come up right speedily with generous subscriptions, their eight will do all their racing this year on the classic Charles.
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