The candidates for the crew are pegging away steadily, improving in form and advancing to the more difficult portions of the stroke. Yesterday they began using the sliding seats a little. The candidates are now as follows: Powers '92, 163; Watriss '92, 165; Jones, '92, 165; Rantoul '92, 167; Perkins '91, 170; Fitzhugh '91, 181; Kelton '93, 192; Vail '93, 190; Earle '93, 162; Shaw '94, 188; Newell '94, 171; Cummings '93, 170; Bartholomay, L. S., 167; Lynam, M. S., 165.
Shea '94 has stopped rowing and Cummings '93 has been ill for a number of days so as to be kept away from rowing. Constant changes are now being made in the make-up of the crew. Very often one man will row on two crews the same day and the first and second crews cannot be distinguished for a day at a time. It is probable that the captain has a very slight idea of the men who are most likely to row in the boat. It would be a matter of some difficulty to decide which eight out of the number that are trying are best able to make a shell go fast.
Shaw is doing very well for a new man and looks as if he might possibly be a good man for the crew. Lynam also, though he still shows the faults of a different style of rowing, is improving. Of the other men nothing need be said for they have all been coached on the same things and all have had the same faults often before. It looks somewhat as if we were to have an early spring and it may be that the crew will be rowing on the water in a couple of weeks.
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