
The Junior Dinner.

The Ninety-two class dinner, which took place at the Parker House last night, was th most largely attended and successful junior dinner for many years. As the first social meeting of the whole class it was an unqualified success. The officers of the dinner were: President, Neal Rantoul; orator, H. McK. Landon; poet, D. Gray; toast-master. A. M. White; and chorister, L. S. Thompson. The oration and poem were both unusully good, and the responses to the toasts were in no way behind them. Following are the toasts drunk, with the men who responded to them: 'Varsity Crew, J. C. Powers; Class Crew, J. O. Porter; 'Varsity Nine, J. W. Cummin; Class Nine, N. Neff; 'Varsity Eleven, E. J. Lake; H. A. A., J. H. Hunt; College Papers, T. W. Lamont; The Ladies, G. Lowell; Harvard's Better Self, T. C. Tebbett's; Phi Beta Kappa, S. Cromwell.
