
The B. A. A. Games.

As a final word for those who are entered for the B. A. A. games this evening, Mr. Lathrop wishes to say that contestants should be sure to see to it some time before 12 this morning that they obtain Harvard bands from him to wear at the games, and that their shoes are in good condition, their spikes sharpened. Men should finish their dinners by 5.30 at the latest, as the games commence promptly at 7. The first event on the programme is the 75 yards race, and the preliminary rounds of this will be begun at 7 o'clock sharp. All men entered in this event should be dressed, ready to run, at 6.45. As 134 men are entered in the 75 yards run, the preliminary heats will probably not be finished until 8 o'clock, at which hour the preliminary heats of the 1,000 yards race will be run. The games are held at the Armory on Irvington St. which runs up from Huntington Avenue near Mechanic's Hall.
