
Annual Crimson Dinner.

The annual dinner of the CRIMSON board took plack at the Parker House last night. The officers of the dinner were T. W. Lamont, president; W. J. Farquhar, orator; C. H. C. Wright, poet; and Henry Ware, chorister. The guests of the evening were L. Mck. Garrison L. S., and J. G. King L. S., former editors of the CRIMSON. No formal speeches were made, but the past and present editors discussed at some length the history and policy of the paper. This informal method of conducting the dinner lent interest to the occasion, and made it one of the most enjoyable of CRIMSON dinners. Great interest in the future of the paper, and a strong determination to improve it in all possible ways, was expressed and the men broke up with the firm confidence of a bright future before the CRIMSON.
