
Fact and Rumor.

There are at present 137 men trying for the Mott Haven team.

There was a slight fire in one of the rooms in Hollis yesterday.

The new chemical laboratory at Exeter is almost ready for occupation.

Only one A and eighteen B's were obtained for the first half year in English B.

The average weight of the Yale 'varsity crew candidates at present is 170 1-9 pounds.


Professor Cohn is to give lectures in French 2 on the History of French Grammar.

A double quartet has lately been organized at Williams, to take the place of the Glee Club.

The University of Pennsylvania will probably take Princeton's place in the Intercollegiate Lacrosse Association.

The average weight of the Cornell freshman crew candidates is 162 lbs.

Next week the two sections of German 1a will be united into one which will meet at 11 o'clock.

The Amateur Base Ball League of New Haven is about to introduce indoor base ball at the New Haven polorink.

A new machine for testing the strength of the biceps has just been added to the apparatus at the gymnasium.

Marks are out in Math. 2. They will be out in a few days in Geology 1. In Math. A they are posted in the recitation room. In English B they may be got at 18 Grays, during office hours.
