
Meeting of Base Ball Candidates.

The candidates for the base ball nine met in the Trophy room of the Gymnasium last evening. Captain Dean gave a short talk on training. The following men handed in their names:

For the infield.- B. W. Trafford '93, A. Dickinson '94, F. E. Soule Sp., E. Wrenn '92, N. R. George Gr., B. Cook Jr., '92, J. Kirwen '94, J. B. Lowell '94, R. Homans '94, D. F. Hastie '93, E. Kittredge '94, L. H. Frothingham '93, P. F. Jackson '93.

For the outfield.- S. V. R. Thayer '94, N. Neff '92, N. R. George Gr., H. Hapgood '92, B. Cook '92, D. F. Hastie '93, J. Allen '92, J. Corbett '94, and H. A. Frothingham '94.

This list does not include all the men who will become candidates a little later on, and the available material for the infield and outfield will probably be still further strengthened by men who are now trying for places on the battery.

The report in one of the Boston papers recently to the effect that the base ball management has secured a rink in town to practice in is only partially true. The management has not up to the present time succeeded in renting a rink, though efforts have been made in that direction.

