A chess club has been formed at Amherst.
Mr. A. C. Potter of the Library has gone to Florida for his health.
During 1890 Columbia's library was increased by more than 16,000 volumes.
The Harvard Dental Club held a reunion and class dinner at the Huntington last week.
Stagg is in New Haven almost every week coaching the candidates for pitcher.
Out of the twenty-nine candidates for the Yale nine, ten are trying for pitcher's position.
A new literary magazine called the Inlander has been started at the University of Michigan.
Division A of Political Economy I will take up J. E. Cairues' "Leading Priciples of Political Economy."
Dr. Howard's section in Latin C has been taken by Mr. Nicholson and will meet in Sever 14 hereafter.
The makeup of the 'varsity has been changed this week. Fitzhugh is now rowing 2, Shaw 3, and Vail 4.
Professor Theodore Dwight, of Columbia, has presented his resignation, having served thirty-three years, and will be made professor emeritus.
Assistant-Professor Kittredge of the English department has just finished a course of six lectures on "The Gawain Romances" at Johns Hopkins University.
Professor Taussig spoke at the dinner of the Massachusetts Reform Club last Thursday, and was appointed one of a committee to look after coinage legislation.
At the monthly meeting of the Harvard Camera Club the following members were elected: A. Hartt '94, J. H. P. Howard '94, L. J. Johnson, honorary member. Anyone having photographs, negatives or lantern-slides of any of the following subjects is requested to communicate with W. H. Wickes 33 Hastings: Recitation room, new gate, Hastings Hall, Gymnasium (interior), trophy room, class tree, Weld Boat House, tennis courts, Jarvis Field, student's room, 'varsity foot ball team at work, Memorial waiter, class races, Jones ringing the bell, Faculty room, Sanders Theatre (interior). At the next meeting a competition will be held upon the photographs of the above subjects, also an exhibition of lantern slides will be given.
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Indoor Athletic Meetings.