
College Conference on the Powers of the Athletic Committee.

In Sever 11 this evening Professor J. W. White and other members of the Committee on the regulation of Athletic Sports will expound to members of the University the constitution of the committee, and explain its powers and objects. This conference is the outcome of a desire on the part of the University at large to understand clearly just what the position held by the committee is. On several occasions men have questioned the acts of the committee because they have not comprehended them or have fathered upon the committee responsibility for some act which it did not and could not do. The undergraduates generally, however, appreciate the value of the committee and the good work it has done. They wish to support it and work with it. Nothing, therefore, can be wiser than the means taken tonight to avoid all misconceptions of the Committee acts in the future. Sever 11 will doubtless be well filled.
