The Harvard Union Prize debate which took place last evening in Sever 11 was a great success and attracted a large audience. Although each man was limited to a speech of five minutes, the fact that twenty-seven men competed made the meeting a very long one, and the result was not announced till some time after ten o'clock. The question for debate was: RESOLVED, That a young man casting his first vote in 1892 has better reasons for voting the Republican than the Democratic Ticket.
The judges were Professor F. W. Taussig, Mr. Edward Cummings and Mr. J. J. Hayes. Professor Taussig in announcing the decision of the judges said that the choice was so difficult that they had decided to divide the prize equally between two men, - A. P. Stone '93 and I. W. Howerth '93, both of whom spoke in the affirmative. Of the other speakers those who spoke in the affirmative were: R. L. Fortney L. S., W. R. Bigelow L. S., L. Hall '92, R. M. Gillespie '92, E. G. Walker '92, I. W. Howerth '98, H. Hudson L. S., A. P. Stone '93, W. A. Lackey '95, H. C. Vrooman '95, E. C. Campbell '92, J. L. Dodge L. S., C. Dorroy, S. M. Ballou '92, G. C. Mead Gr., H. A. Bull Gr. Those who spoke in the negative were: J. S. Brown '92, R. W. Hale '92, W. L. Bartlett '92, M. A. Bartlett '93, C. T. R. Bates '92, S. H. Cohn '95, F. N. Clapp '95, J. E. Young L. S., S. Wasserson L. S., F. W. Sanders Div., A. V. W. Leslie '94.
After the announcement of the result of the debate, the Union held a business meeting for the election of the three men who will represent Harvard in the joint debate with Yale. The vote resulted in the choice of R. C. Surbridge L. S., G. P. Costigan '92, and A. P. Stone '93. The joint debate will take place on January 14 at Sanders Theatre on the same question as that of last evening, and Harvard will have the affirmative.
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