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The prize debate of the Harvard Union tonight is more important than any similar debate in recent years. The Union has with very commendable energy arranged for a joint debate with the Yale Union, and it is announced that the debate this evening will have a considerable influence in determining who shall represent Harvard in the joint debate. Having undertaken the debate with Yale the honor of the college is as much at stake as it is in any of our athletic contests. We have another side of our college life to vindicate and uphold. Such being the case every good speaker in the college should feel a responsibility in this matter, and should strive to have the college represented in the strongest and most creditable manner possible. They should not be unmindful of the significance which this debate tonight will have in determining who shall stand for Harvard in the joint debate. The competition in this prize debate should, and doubtless will, be sharper than it has ever been at any previous debate of the kind. The college should show its interest in the matter by attending the meeting of the Union and giving the speakers the encouragement of a large audience to speak to.
