The Dartmouth nine has begun regular work in the cage.
Titles for the theme in French 6 due Dec. 18 are due today.
Of the six senior members of Andover's eleven five will go to Yale.
The M. I. T. games on Dec. 12 are only open to Technology students.
French 1b begins "Le Roman d' un Jeune Homme Pauvre" on Saturday.
Recits d' Histoire de France will be begun in French 4 at the next recitation.
120 men are entered for the Firt Regiment A. A. Meeting to be held on Saturday.
There will be an hour examination in Hist. 9 shortly before the Christmas vacation.
S. M. Williams '94, led the 'varsity crew practice yesterday afternoon in the absence of Captain Kelton.
The hour examination for Mr. Marsh's section in Spanish 1 will be held in Upper Dane Hall Friday at 1.30.
President Low, of Columbia, has been elected President of the American Society for University Extension.
Yale Carqerry Court, the new secret society of the Yale Law School, intends to erect a chapter house soon.
Dr. J. J. Moran, Harvard Medical School '91, has resigned his position as senior house officer at Carney Hospital.
The candidates for the Mott Haven team will commence systematic work immediately after the Christmas recess.
O. S. Campbell, the American tennis champion, will start about the middle of the month for Europe where he will meet the best foreign players.
There is a theme due in German 4 on Dec. 19. Subject, the 2nd act of "Goetz von Berlichingen" or any one of the characters of the play.
The list of names of those exempt from further examinations till the mid-years, in History 1, will be read at the beginning of the hour today.
At a meeting of the Board of Managers of the Metropolitan Association of A. A. U. on Monday, it was decided that all athletes competing in the Seventh Regiment games next Saturday evening in New York shall be debarred from entering any athletic contest under the A. A. U. rules. The reason given is that the prizes offered by the Seventh Regiment A. A., are articles of jewelry which is against the rules of the Union.
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