
Special Notice.

LOST. - A Fox Terrior. Brown head and black spot on back. Please return to 78 Mt. Auburn and receive reward.

MRS. HARRIET MORGAN, 97 Mt. Auburn St., has one club table vacant.

2tDANCING CLASS.NINTH SEASON. - Mr. L. J. Chandler will open a class in Dancing and Deportment for beginners at Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport, Tuesday, Oct. 6, at 8 o'clock p. m. Terms, $6 for 12 lessons; $12 for 24 lessons. A course of Germans will be given early in March. Private lessons by appointment. Residence, cor. Main and Inman Sts., Cambridgeport.

FOR SALE. - At a considerable reduction a "Hammond" Typewriter, but little used and in perfect order.

P. F. HALL,53-3t


5 Weld.LOST. - on Saturday between Appleton Chapel and 40 Kirkland St., a small bundle containing clean clothes. Any information will be kindly received by


65 Mt. Auburn St.WANTED. - A Farris banjo, must be in good order and with good tone. One with case preferred. Address, CRIMSON.
