
The Trip of the Musical Clubs.

At six o'clock tomorrow evening the Glee, Banjo, and Mandolin Clubs leave Cambridge for Washington. Arriving there Wednesday afternoon they will be entertained as usual by some of the Washington clubs. In the evening they give their first concert. after which they will be entertained by Mrs. Magruder. Thursday afternoon they will probably go to a tea and leave for St Louis immediately afterwards, arriving there Christmas evening. They will go to the theatre that evening and will give the second concert Dec. 26. They will be entertained by the Harvard Club. Sunday morning they leave for Minneapolis arriving there Monday. On the same evening they give their third concert, to be followed by a reception and dance at Mrs Morison's. Tuesday morning they will go to St. Paul, and in the afternoon are given a tea by Mrs. Stone. The fourth concert will take place that evening. Afterwards they will be entertained by Mr. Farwell, the father of the leader of the Glee Club. Wednesday morning they leave for Milwaukee, arriving in the afternoon. They will go to a dance that evening and give their fifth concert the next day Dec. 31. The following morning they start for Chicago, where they will be met by Mr. Pike. After the concert they will be received by the Harvard Club. The next morning the Club are given a breakfast, it is not definitely known by +++, and on the evening of the same day will attend the annual dinner of the Harvard Club. Sunday they leave Chicago for Cambridge, arriving Monday afternoon.

Besides the men whose names were published in the CRIMSON of Dec. 2, as going on the trip, four others have been added: D. C. Greene '95 and F. H. Gale '93 of the Glee Club, H. F. Taylor '94 and T. Hoppin '93 of the Mandolin Club. V. M. Porter '92 and W. F. Garrison '94 will not got go on account of illness.
