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It is a matter of no little gratification to all Harvard men to learn that there is a probability of a renewal of athletic games with Princeton in base ball and foot. Such contests, should they be finally arranged, could not but increase the spirit of friendliness between the two colleges and prove beneficial for the athletic interests of both. During the past three years Harvard has plainly refused to enter any "triple league" wherein would almost surely rise endless complications and possibly unjust discriminations. Harvard has aimed, on the other hand, to make some arrangement whereby her athletic contests with other colleges may gain the benefit of the keenest, friendly rivalry, with none of the disadvantages of interdependent agreements.

Having, then, completed a dual arrangement with Yale, covering three of the great sports and soon, it is hoped, to include the fourth, Harvard would be glad to enter a similar dual arrangement with Princeton as to base ball and foot ball. Harvard insists, as she has done all along, that such an arrangement shall be on terms that shall not discriminate unjustly against any one of the three universities.
