Theme III in English B revised, must be in by 4 p. m. on Tuesday.
Men in Phil. 2 must hand in their laboratory books before Christmas.
E. W. Forbes has been appointed temporary treasurer of the Freshman Glee Club.
Subjects for the third special report in History 13 will be given out next Saturday.
J. L. Kemmerer '93 has been elected manager of the Amherst eleven for next year.
D. W. Shea and J. L. Dodge acted as judges at the spring and wrestling meeting held last Saturday,
Owing to Professor de Sumichrast's illness Saturday, his classes were taken by Mr. Henckels.
The 145th catalogue of Princeton shows the number of students to be 980, an increase of 96 per cent. since 1885.
While college men form only one per cent. of the voters of the country, they hold fifty-eight per cent of the highest offices.
The meeting of the Botanical Club in the University Museum this evening will be addressed by Mr. A. S. Hitchock of the Shaw School of Botany, in St. Louis, on "Flora of the West Indies," and by Professor D. P. Penhallow, of McGill University, Montreal, on "Some Fossil Plants."
The co-operative store will close at 2 o'clock during the recess except on Christmas and New Year's days, when it will not open at all.
The January Scribner's has a poem entitled "A Ballade of Dawn" by Hugh McCulloch, Jr., and another, "The Dean of Bourges" by Barrett Wendell.
The Faculty has granted the Yale Glee and Banjo Clubs an additional vacation of a week, so that they may include the Southern States in the trip.
The B. A. A. polo team will be made up as follows: Bowen, (captain) secend rush; J. E. Morse, first-rush; J. Paine, centre; Sumner Paine, half-back; and Swanton, goal.
Yale and Princeton have each pledged $100 for a prize intercollegiate chess club and steps are being taken to raise like amounts from the alumni of Columbia and Harvard.
The address at the meeting of the Tufts College Club in Boston on Friday evening last was delivered by Mr. W. F. Ganong, instructor in botany, on the subject - "Science Teaching in College."
French 2 will begin Pacine's "Brittanicus immediately after the recess. Marks in English 9 were announced Saturday. The remaining lectures before the midyears will be devoted to De Quincy and Coleridge.
A novel scheme for settling difficulties between the Faculty and students is in practice at North western University. All questions are submitted to a committee of ten students and five members of the Faculty, whose decision is final.
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Official Notice.